The University Club’s mission is to deliver outstanding products, services, and experiences to our members and guests in a relaxing and inviting environment.
The University Club’s vision is to encourage social wellness across campus by providing a comfortable setting to exchange ideas, collaborate, and enhance our campus community.
Faculty and staff from across campus have the opportunity to congregate and exchange ideas in a quiet, comfortable setting. These interactions may result in interdisciplinary activities that ultimately may even extend beyond faculty or staff members to include graduate students working together across disciplines. Achieving inter-disciplinary relationships is a goal that the University has been striving towards. The Club provides an open and stimulating environment for encouraging such cross-disciplinary collaborations. It can also serve as a relaxed environment for staff to network and become aware of new professional opportunities on campus. New employees who wish to meet others outside of their department now have a place to socialize on campus; young faculty and staff who wish to exchange ideas with other junior or senior faculty/staff who are outside their areas of expertise are afforded the opportunity to do so. More seasoned faculty/staff have the chance to share ideas and to socialize in a space devoted singularly to open exchange. These opportunities for interactions between faculty and staff enhances the sense that one belongs to an active, vibrant, and creative academic community.
Faculty Emeriti and retired Staff have the opportunity to continue sharing their work or ideas with others at the Club. Interaction with emeriti faculty and retired Staff gives both new and continuing employees access to institutional memory, clarifying and reminding us where we have been and where we are going. As importantly, many of our emeriti faculty and retired Staff continue to be actively involved in University activities in and out of the classroom and laboratory setting.